Biophenols - A chemical in olive oil that suppresses LDL, a protein that contributes to cardiovascular disease. Higher is better.
DAGs - Diacylglycerols are an indicator of olive oil freshness and quality. Higher is better.
FFA - Free Fatty Acids are a breakdown product of triglycerides. Oils with lower levels will have longer shelf lives. Lower is better.
Granulated - Formed into granules or grains
Monounsaturated - A class of fats that are associated with a low cholesterol content in the blood.
Oleic acid - A beneficial natural fatty acid found in large amounts in olive oil. Higher is better.
Perishable - Can go bad or rancid.
Peroxide - The peroxide level determines the degree to which an oil is oxidized. Lower is better.
Polyphenols - Beneficial antioxidant micronutrients that come from plants.
Squalene - Squalene has been shown to decrease total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol(bad) and triglycerides while raising HDL cholesterol(good). Higher is better.