As the people of Greenville NC start to venture out after weeks of quarantine, they will meet a new mascot named Hope at Simply Divine Oil & Wine in Arlington Village. The cuddly bear reminds people how they can give Hope for the Koalas.
Store owner Kimberly Sayers explains, "During a virtual wine tasting with Michael Hope of Hope Estates winery, we were shocked to learn how the Australian wildfires had devastated the vulnerable koala population." Luckily, people around the world were already rallying to the cause.
Winesellers, Ltd. and Hope Estate are partnering with the Australian Koala Foundation - Hope for the Koalas campaign.
Australia's Koala population has been decimated. It is estimated that over 10,000 koalas have been killed and 80% of their habitat destroyed. The Koalas are particularly vulnerable to fires because they can't get run away.
The 'Hope for the Koalas' campaign will donate $1 for every bottle of Hope Estate wine sold during April, May & June.
Michael Hope said "It is our responsibility to be good citizens, so we are committed to making a lasting impact in the Koala habitat where they and we call home."
Simply Divine Oil & Wine has also taken up the cause. Hope Estate Mountain Wash Chardonnay and Hope Estate "The Ripper" Shiraz are now on sale. Store owner Kimberly Sayers said, "One thing this crisis has taught me is how deeply interconnected the lives of the people and animals on this planet are. When the world finally gets back to normal, I want to be sure that world still has koalas. That's why I've got Hope. We are excited to participate and make a matching donation of $1/bottle!"
So come say hello to the fuzzy new mascot, buy a bottle or two of Hope Estate wine and provide some Hope for the Koalas!